My Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder

What exactly is sensory processing?

Sensory Processing Disorder Treatment, also called sensory integration, is the way in which our brain acquires information from our senses and arranges/organizes/interprets it so we can respond in an appropriate, effective, and meaningful way. Sensory processing provides the necessary foundation for more complex learning and behaviour.

What is Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) / Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?

This means there are difficulties processing sensory input which affect functioning in day to day life. Our most influential sensory developmental time takes place before the age of seven, and happens naturally while we go about ordinary childhood activities.

For most of us, distinguishing between different sensory experiences — such as sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, balance, movement, and body in space awareness — happens unconsciously without our thinking about it. We receive messages from our senses and respond automatically to the information. For example, we filter out extraneous noises so we can focus on a book; we don’t notice how a chair feels under us; we don’t have to concentrate to keep ourselves balanced; we pull our hand away from a hot flame; we step down off a curb.

But all this can’t happen automatically if the central nervous system has difficulty accurately perceiving or integrating the information it receives. If the neurological process becomes disrupted somewhere in the loop of intake, organization or output, then normal development and adaptive responses will not occur. The result of this disruption is Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) / Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Learning, speech, motor skills, physical and emotional development, adapting to sensations and situations, regulating emotions, behavior, etc. may be impacted.

How will it affect my child?

Since efficient sensory processing is necessary for a child to navigate successfully in daily academic, home and social life, your child may not be able to respond to sensory information in an automatic manner that is appropriate to the situation. The “primitive” brain takes over and causes either a “fright, flight, or fight” or a withdrawal response, either of which often is extreme for an ordinary situation. For example, a child who can’t tell what truly is frightening may scream and run if someone tries to take her hand, or may obliviously walk out into traffic — both are inappropriate responses.

Are there other conditions that SID/SPD goes along with?

Autistic spectrum disorders
Learning disabilities
Genetic disorders
Developmental delays
Behavioral challenges
Premature birth

Who can tell me for sure if my child has SID/SPD?

A qualified occupational or physical therapist can perform an evaluation using a sensory history, standardized testing and clinical observations.

Can SID/SPD be treated?

Occupational therapists provide sensory integration therapy to meet the individual needs of each child and his/her particular nervous system, providing the sensory experiences that are most helpful to that child.

What’s next?

In the next post, we’ll discuss in more detail what to be aware of and what you might expect with your sensory child.

When did you first become concerned about your child’s development? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, let me know there or via email what topics you would like to discuss or hear more about.

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In Conclusion:

Sensory Processing Disorder is an often-misunderstood, misdiagnosed problem that can impact the way children learn.  SPD is an umbrella term that refers to various disabilities. Because SPD is not considered a learning disability, these children do not qualify for Special Education services. As with learning disabilities, early intervention is likely to produce the best outcomes.  Browse our website for more details about Autism Therapy for Your ChildSensory integration therapy for kidsAutism Resources for Parentsensory integration therapy njsocial skills therapies for kidsautism treatment for toddlersgross motor therapy for childrenOccupational Therapist Fair Lawnpediatric occupational therapy nj.
Related: My Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder


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