My Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder

What exactly is sensory processing? Sensory Processing Disorder Treatment , also called sensory integration, is the way in which our brain acquires information from our senses and arranges/organizes/interprets it so we can respond in an appropriate, effective, and meaningful way. Sensory processing provides the necessary foundation for more complex learning and behaviour. What is Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) / Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? This means there are difficulties processing sensory input which affect functioning in day to day life. Our most influential sensory developmental time takes place before the age of seven, and happens naturally while we go about ordinary childhood activities. For most of us, distinguishing between different sensory experiences — such as sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, balance, movement, and body in space awareness — happens unconsciously without our thinking about it. We receive messages from our senses and respo...