Sensational Strategies to Strengthen Sensory Skills

Getting a move on Sensory integration therapy for kids in the previous post, we discussed activities to strengthen your child’s tactile processing efficiency. Today we’re going to talk about the vestibular system and how you can help your son or daughter discover ways to improve it. Located within our inner ear, the vestibular system is the sense of movement and balance. A strong vestibular system tells our bodies where we are in space in relation to gravity; if we are standing up, falling down, or spinning around. Try out these activities together to reinforce Autism Therapy for Your Child vestibular system and sense of balance and it’s a pretty sure bet that you will share some laughs as well: – Spinning or running in circles – Riding up and down on a seesaw (teeter-totter) – Balancing in the center of a seesaw, or on a beam, curb, or low wall – Jumping on a trampoline, jumping from step to step, doing jumping jacks – Climbing a jungle gym – Sliding...